

Deadline: 1 March 2023
Residency period: 2024
Residency duration: up to 3 months
Pro Helvetia Moscow invites cultural practitioners from Switzerland to apply for residencies in Russia*, while cultural practitioners from Russia can apply for residencies in Switzerland.

Residencies serve to gain inspiration, to establish networks and to work on projects.

This year in response to the changed political and social situation in Russia Swiss cultural practitioners interested in residency in Russia and Russian cultural practitioners interested in residency in Switzerland but hesitant to make trips may also apply for digital format of residency program as an alternative opportunity.

Pro Helvetia offers support to cover accommodation, travel costs, a daily allowance, professional supervision, a workplace (on request) and a contribution to production/material costs (on request).

Additionally to support parent artists to go on residencies Pro Helvetia will offer a maximum amount of 1000 CHF per month, which parent artists can apply for to co-finance additional expenses related to travel for children or caregivers, childcare at home, etc. Pro Helvetia will ask the applicant to justify those expenses and provide a clear outlined budget on how this money will be used. You can find more information here.

Digital Residency

The digital format of residency follows a similar format to the regular residency, whereby the artist is supported to develop new professional connections and new directions in their practice during the course of three months with support of Pro Helvetia.

In case of digital format support of Pro Helvetia covers daily allowances, professional supervision, a contribution towards production and material costs (on request), and a mentor from the destination country. Pro Helvetia supports parent artists working in digital residency in the same manner as in case of offline residency, thus with maximum amount of 1000 CHF per month to cover costs relating to childcare.

The digital residency cannot offer artists first-hand experience of a different cultural environment and social world, mentors will play an active role in connecting artists with relevant partners and networks in the cultural scene of the destination country.

For both type of residencies the artists and cultural practitioners from the following disciplines are eligible to apply: visual arts, design and interactive media, music, literature and performing arts, as well as arts practitioners with a transdisciplinary focus.

More info here.

* the trip to Russia remains an individual decision that must be made consciously and in compliance with the FDFA recommendations at the time of the trip. Pro Helvetia cannot foresee or take responsibility for possible restrictions in international travel. For more information, please contact the local team at